Academic Excellence


  • Invited speaker at ICTMM (International Congress of Tropical Medicine and Malaria at Bangkok), 24th-28th October 2022.
  • Invited Plenary speaker "International conference on "Global Challenges In Neglected Tropical Diseases" León (Spain) ( July 13 to 15, 2016
  • Invited to Technion university, Haifa, Israel for UGC-ISF joint project kickoff meeting 28th May-1st June, 2016
  • Invited Speaker "Polyamines in parasites and pathogenic organisms,Bonn, Germany, 21st March-26th March 2016
  • Selected as an organizer and speaker at the Annual meeting of American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygeine (ASTMH) from 2-6th Nov. 2014.The ASTMH Annual Meeting is the premier International forum for Science related to Global Health.
  • Invited to 9th Annual EupathDB workshop held in Athens, Georgia, Atlalnta USA from 13th -18th June, 2014
  • Invited Speaker at the 4th Zing International Drug Discovery Conference in Spain, from 17th – 20th February 2014.
  • Invited as a distinguished speaker at the meeting "Protozoan parasites: engineering life with a different toolkit" organized jointly by the Royal Society, UK and DST at Bose Institute Kolkatta, 28th Feb-2nd March 2013.
  • Invited speaker at "Pathogen diversity meeting: Exploiting pathogen genetics for new control strategies" the meeting was jointly organized by ICGEB, ICMR and London School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, UK. The meeting was held in ICGEB from 6-7th March, 2013.
  • Speaker and Chair at the International Congress on Polyamines Biological and Clinical Perspectives Istanbul (Turkey) during September 2nd to 7th, 2012
  • Invited faculty to conduct "Pre-Meeting workshop for Global Health Awardees" at the Keystone symposium on "Drugs and Protozoan parasite" Santa Fe Community Convention Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Jan 15 - Jan 20, 2012
  • Speaker at the Keystone symposium on "Drugs and Protozoan parasite" Santa Fe Community Convention Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Jan 15 - Jan 20, 2012,
  • Invited Speaker and as an International Expert at COST meeting, Modena, Italy from 5-7th Oct. 2011. Funding was provided by the European Commission
  • Invited speaker at workshop on "Antiparasitic and anticancer drugs" organized in the framework of the European Research Area Net (ERA-NET) with India (New Indigo, a consortium of European and Indian Science and Technology organisations involved in promoting research cooperation between Europe and India) in Portugal from 8-9th Sept. 2011.
  • Invited Speaker and Chair at Amino acid meeting-Beijing 1-5th Aug 2011
  • Invited speaker at World Congress on Microbes (WCM)-Beijing 30th July-2nd August 2011
  • Speaker at the Gordon Research Conference on Polyamines Waterville Valley resort, New Hampshire USA, 19st-24th June 2011.
  • Visiting Professor at the Centre for Drug Development (CDD) South Korea 19th March-24th March 2011
  • Speaker at Gordon conference on Polyamines, Waterville Valley resort, New Hampshire USA, 21st-26th June 2009.
  • Speaker at Keystone symposium on "Drugs and Protozoan parasite, Colorado, USA 22-26th March 2009.
  • Invited speaker at Polyamine and parasite meeting 9-11th July, 2008 Wayne state University, Michigan. 2008
  • ASM International Professor Award visit 4th Nov-30th Nov. 2007 Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, USA. Funding award was from American Society of Microbiology.2007
  • Fogarty International Research Centre (FIRCA), USA invite to GID grant meeting, Philadelphia 3-4th Nov. 2007
  • Speaker at the B22 COST meeting on "Drug Resistance" in Quebec City, University of Laval, Canada, 21st-26th Oct. 2007
  • Invitation to Chair and give an Invited talk at the DORMY II meeting on Leishmania, Cotswold, UK. 24th -27th Sept., 2007. Funding was by the organizers.
  • Invitation to Chair and give an Invited talk at the B22 COST meeting on "Polyamines and Parasites"in Stockholm 21st-23rd Sept, 2007. Funding was by the organizers.
  • Global Health Travel Award from Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to attend and present work at the Keystone symposium in Tahoe city, California, USA, 28th Jan-1st Feb 2007
  • Invited speaker and chair at "International workshop-cum-training course on Molecular Medicine and Drug Research to be held in Karachi, Pakistan from 16-28th Jan 2007. Funding was by the organizers.
  • Invitation to give an invited lecture in 3rd COST B22 Annual congress on drug Discovery and Development for parasitic Diseases, Athens, Greece, 1-4 October 2006. The funding was by the organizers of the meeting.
  • Invitation to give an invited lecture in "International Conference on the Role of Polyamines and their Analogs in Cancer and other Diseases" held in Tivoli, Rome (Italy), at the Grand Hotel Duca d'Este, from September 10 to 14, 2006. The funding is by the organizers of the meeting.
  • Visiting Professor at the Seattle Biomedical Research, USA. Funding was from Fogarty International Research Grant, USA. July, 8-16. 2006.
  • Invitation to give a lecture in Parasite-Polyamine Conference held at Oregon Health Science University, Portland, Oregon July, 6-7, 2006. The funding was from Wellcome Trust grant, UK.
  • Invitation to give a lecture in "Institute of one world health" (IOWH), San Francisco, USA Topic: Molecular mechanism of resistance to antimonial compound. July, 2006
  • Invited Speaker at "Third World Organization of Women Scientists" conference in India Symposium organized by Indian Institute of science, Bangalore 21st-25th Nov. 2005. Topic " Chasing black fever: a neglected disease"
  • Invitation to Lund University, Sweden to give a lecture on polyamines and parasites. Funding award was from Swedish International Development Agency. July, 2005
  • Invitation to give a lecture on antimonial resistance in Leishmania in COST-B-22 meeting in Glasgow, July, 2005. Funding award was from Wellcome Trust
  • Invitation to give a lecture in "Institute of one world health" (IOWH), San Francisco, USA to support Leishmania research, July 2005. Funding was from IOWH.
  • Invitation by Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation on 10th Jan, New Delhi, 2005 for a brain storming session on Leishmania
  • Invitation to give a lecture at International conference on polyamines at Chiba, Japan from 28th Nov-2nd Dec. 2004. The funding award is from the organizers of the meeting.
  • Invitated speaker at the British Society of Parasitology meet at Czech Republic, from 27th Aug 2004-1st Sept.2004. The funding award was from the Wellcome Trust. 2004.
  • Invitation to visit University of Glasgow, UK from 24th-26th Aug. 2004. The funding award was from the Wellcome Trust. 2004.
  • Visiting faculty Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, Seattle, 18th June-30th June. 2004. The funding award was from the Wellcome Trust.
  • Invitation to visit give a lecture in Polyamines and parasite meeting, Pace University, New York, USA from 11th June-14th June, 2004.The funding award was from the Wellcome Trust.
  • Invitation and Travel award from Woods Hole Immunoparasitology organizers to present a paper on DNA vaccine development. 25th April-30th April, 2004.
  • Invitation to give a lecture in Institute of Infectious diseases, Chul hospital, Quebec Canada on: Functional characterization of open reading frame F from the LD1 locus of Leishmania donovani. The funding award was from Altana Pharma and Infectious disease Institute. 2003
  • Invitation to Joint European Chapter meeting at the University of Lund, Sweden. The funding award was from Swedish Research Links. 2003.
  • Invited visiting professor to University of Glasgow, UK and give a lecture on Leishmaniasis. The funding award was from the Wellcome Trust. 2002
  • Invited speaker at the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, Trieste 2002
  • Invited visiting Professor to Bon Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany. The funding award was from Indo -German collaborative grant on " Polyamine Biosynthetic pathway as a target for chemotherapy in P. falciparum., 2002
  • Invitation to Chair a session and present a paper on "Molecular cloning and sequence analysis of gene encoding bifunctional S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase - ornithine decarboxylase of Plasmodium falciparum at European commission Expert Committee meeting on Polyamines at Bon Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany from 1st –6th July, 2000.
  • Invited visiting Professor to Bon Nocht Institute of Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany from 24th May -24th July 1999. The funding award was from Indo -German collaborative grant on " Polyamine Biosynthetic pathway as a target for chemotherapy in P. falciparum."
  • Special invitee to Indo-US Vaccine Action Programme meeting from the 5th-7th Oct, 1998 at National Institute of Health, Bethesda, U.S and visiting faculty to Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, from 7th Oct. to 25th Oct., 1998. The funding award was from the National Institute of Health, USA.
  • Invited visiting Professor Seattle Biomedical Research Centre from 5th –20th July, in connection with INDO-US Vaccine Action Programme grant, 1997. The funding award for travel etc. was from the National Institute of Health, U.S.
  • Speaker in International Symposium on Polyamines (21st Oct.-25th Oct, 1996), Japan. Invitation to give a lecture in Josai University, Japan. The funding award for both the lectures was from the Organizing Committee.
  • Speaker at the Gordon conference on Polyamines in June from 11-16,1995 at Kimball Union Academy, Meriden, New Hampshire. Funding was from the Organizing Committee of Gordon Conference.
  • National Institute of allergy and Infectious disease (NIAID), National Institute of Health (NIH) invitation to attend the International Centre of Tropical Diseases meet at Bethesda, USA, from April 27-29, 1994. The funding award was from NIH, USA.
  • Invited Gordon Conference in July 1993 at New Hampshire, U.S.A.


  • Member of Sectional committee of Animal Science/Plant Science Indian academy of sciences, Bengaluru. 2016. First meeting held on 1-3rd July, 2016
  • Member of the IUBMB National Committee January 1, 2016-December 31, 2019
  • Appointed as UGC-nominee on the Advisory Committee of DRS-1 under UGC special Assistance Program (SAP) of North-Eastern hill University, Dept, of Biotechnology and Bio-informatics, Shillong from 1st April 2016to 31st March 2021.
  • Member Academic committee of National Institute of Plant Genome Researc (NIPGR) for a period of two years 9th January 2016-8th January 2018
  • Member of the Departmental assessment Board for promotion under modified flexible complementing scheme of THSTI, an autonomus institute of DBT, GOI. Meeting held on 11th July, 2016
  • Member of INSA-Inspire Selection committee for DST-INSPIRE faculty award 2016-2018
  • Invited as distinguished speaker to Shiv Nadar University on National Science day celebrations 29th Feb, 2016
  • Selected by HRD implementation committee to coordinate and organize GIAN course on Bioassay and Bioefficacy Models: Tools, Targets and Technologies, 25th July-5th Aug. 2016
  • Meeting of the NER Twining R and D program, DBT on 14-15th March, 2016
  • Invite to speak as Director/ Institute representatives at Young Investigators' Meeting a Post-Doctoral Fellows Satellite Meeting at Mansar, Delhi, Feb. 27-28, 2016
  • Invited as a member of the second Expert committee of SERB Young Scientists-Life Sciences, Indian Institute of Science and Education (IISER), Kochi 25th-27th , 2016
  • Member of the Expert committee of the NER Twining R and D program, DBT, 2016
  • Invited as a member of 59th Research Council meeting of IICB, Kolkatta on 16th Jan. 2016
  • Invites as Lead Speaker at Association of Microbiology of India (AMI) meeting held at Jawaharlal Nehru University from 7th Dec-10th Dec., 2015
  • Member of the IUBMB National committee, INSA, for four years from 1st Jan 2016-1st Dec. 2019.
  • Invited as a member of the second Expert committee of SERB Young Scientists-Life Sciences, Indian Institute of Science and Education (IISER), Pune, 7-9th Jan, 2016
  • Reviewer of Ramalingaswami fellows at the 5th Annual Ramalingaswami Conclave at Regional Centre of Biotechnology, Faridabab, Haryana, 18th December, 2015
  • Member Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) of Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences, Indian council of Medical Research 2016 onwards
  • Member of INSPIRE Selection Committee- Bomedical sciences, INSA 11-12th Dec. 2015
  • Senior Jury member of the 5th National Level Exhibition as part of the Indian International Science Festival at IIT, Delh, 6-7th Dec. 2015
  • Speaker at Guha Research Conference- 2015 at Bodhgaya-Nalanda, Bihar, November 28-December 2, 2015
  • Member of the Steering Committee for evaluation of proposals against the Indo-Brazilian joint call for proposals (2016-2019), Department of Biotechnology, 23rd Nov., 2015
  • Member of the Empowered committee of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)-DST-Government of India. 18th November2015-2018
  • Invite to the 1st meeting of the Expert committee on young Scientists-Life Sciences (SERB-DST) 16th -17thNovember, 2015
  • Invited as a member of 58th Research Council meeting of IICB, Kolkatta on 14-15th October, 2015
  • Nominated co-opted member of the DST-SERB committee for screening young scientist in Life Sciences for the period 2015-2018
  • Nominated member of Fellowship Scrutiny Committee (Biological Sciences) by the National Academy of Sciences, India, 2015
  • Invited as a member of Research Council meeting of IICB, Kolkatta on 23rd and 24th March 2015
  • Invite to speak as Director/ Institute representatives at Young Investigators' Meeting a Post-Doctoral Fellows Satellite Meeting at Gulmarg, Srinagar, March 27-28, 2015
  • Invited talk in International Conference on "Antimicrobial resistance, Novel Drug Discovery and Development: Challenges and Opportunities" jointly organized by SRM University Haryana, Sonepat and International Association of Medical and Pharmaceutical Virologists (IAMPV) at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi during 2-3rd March, 2015
  • Invited talk on "Genome to Antigens" First South Asian Biotechnology Conference (SABC 2015) organized by South Asian University a joint venture of all SAARC countries 12-14th Feb, 2015
  • DST-PAC sectional committee Task force member to attend Task force meeting at Pondicherry University, 5-6th Feb 2015
  • Invited to chair a session "Cancer Omics and Infectious Diseases" in Indo-US Bilateral Conference cum Workshop: Big Data Analysis and Translation in Disease Biology (Big Data and Disease). held in Jawaharlal Nehru University from 19-22nd Jan 2015
  • Invited as an an Expert by "Forum for Indian Development Co-operation (FIDC) on Science diplomacy: An Indian perspective" in Research Information system for developing countries (RIS), IHC 13th Jan 2015
  • Invited by Daulat Ram college Delhi University as "Women Achiever", 6th Jan 2015
  • Nominated Member INSA-DST Inspire Faculty Award Biomedical: Selection Committee, 12-13th Dec 2014
  • Member of the composite Selection Committee for short listing of Applications under India- Korea Research Internship (IKRI) Programme.
  • Editorial Board Member of Proceedings of Indian National Science Academy as Editor of Health Sciences group. 1st Jan 2015 onwards
  • Speaker at DST sponsored workshop on "Applications of Mass spectrometery for proteomics", Jawaharlal Nehru University, 6-8th Aug., 2014.
  • Invited Speaker at National Symposium on "Recent Advances in Immunology under the aegis of Indian Immunology Societyand Miranda house, Delhi University, CME programme, INSA Auditorium, 17-18th July, 2014
  • Nominated Member INSA-DST Inspire Faculty Award Biomedical: Selection Committee, 2014
  • Doordarshan invite as as "woman achiever" to participate in the program " Good evening INDIA" 29th April 2014
  • Invited Speaker at South Asian University, New Delhi28th March, 2014
  • Member of the CSIR/SRF selection committee in the area of "General Biology" organized by HRDG, CSIR.2014
  • Invited Chair at the International Scientific meeting "Recent Developments in Malaria Parasite Biology" at ICGEB, New Delhi 2nd Dec. 2-4, 2013
  • Nominated Member Vision Group of Biotechnology, Government of Karnataka, 2013 onwards
  • Nominated member of the Sectional Committee-09 for Microbiology and Immunology (Biology of Viruses, Bacteria and Parasites, Microbial Genetics and Genomics and Immunology) INSA from 2014-2016.
  • Member of the Research Council of CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology (CSIR-IICB), Kolkata 2013-2016
  • Invitation to be member of the project selection Committee of Indo-French Centre for Promotion of Advanced Research-IFCPAR-DST, June-2013
  • Member of the Empowered committee of Science and Engineering Research Board (SERB)-DST-Government of India. 2013-2018
  • Invitation to participate in the review of the functioning of National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC), University Grants Commission (UGC), 2013 June, 2013
  • Invitation by the Planning Commission and Ministry of HRD, India, to be Panel member on a jointly convened "National Policy dialogue on University Rankings, Research Evaluation and Research funding". The policy dialogue was supported by the British council and Thomson Reuters.22nd May 2013.
  • Task force member of DST-PAC on Biochemistry, Biophysics, Molecular Biology and Microbiology 2013-present.
  • Chairperson (Life Sciences) panel for INSPIRE Faculty Award Pre-selection, Department of Science and Technology, 2012
  • Senior Jury, INSPIRE AWARDS, Department of Science and Technology, India, 2012, 2013
  • Invitation to DBT/Gates Foundation Translational Research to give "leadoff" talk on "Opportunities and Challenges in Leishmaniasis Vaccine Discovery & Translation." May 24th-25th, Oberoi Hotel, New Delhi, India. 2012
  • National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIH/NIAID) and the University of Washington, special invitee to participate in the 2012 International Centers of Excellence for Malaria Research (ICEMR) Workshop held from Wednesday, August 22 through Friday, August 24 at The Leela Goa Hotel in Goa, India. 2012
  • Speaker at The Indian Proteomics conference (IPCON) 2011, New Delhi 3-5th April, 2011
  • Speaker and Panelist at Young Investigator Meeting India 2011, Orissa 12th Feb-14th Feb, 2011
  • Invitation to chair a session and give a talk at the "VLPMO3 Investigator meeting" in Patna from March 26-27th 2007 Patna, India organized by the " Institute of One World Health", Sanfrancisco, USA
  • Invited speaker at "CME cum workshop" at Postgraduate Institute, Chandigarh, India held from March 15-17, 2007.
  • Chaired a session in the XXIV All India Cell Biology conference held in the School of Life Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi from 24-26 Nov, 2000.
  • Chaired a session in the "Global Meet on Parasitology" held in New Delhi from 18-24 March, 1996.
  • Selected as a member of the executive committee of Indian Society of Parasitology, 1995.
  • Chaired a scientific session of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology of Parasites in XIIth National Congress of Parasitology at Goa from 23-25th Jan. 1995.
  • Awarded Indian Scientist award to attend International Union of Biochemistry meet at New Delhi in Sept. 1994