Meetings, Conferences and Workshops

  • Organized a lecture by the esteemed AI scientist, Mr. Anandan on"Translating AI Innovations into Solutions for Global Health" at IHub-Data, Hyderabad on 18th January 2024 by IIPH, Hyderabad and supported with IHub-Data and IIIT Hyderabad.
  • Organized a conference on “Advances in Molecular Parasitology” at Jawaharlal Nehru University on 15th Jan 2016 supported by DBT-Program Support in Molecular Parasitology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Organized a workshop with Prof. Alok Bhattacharya, a conference on “Molecular Parasitology” at Jawaharlal Nehru University from March 20-21, 2015 supported by DBT-Program Support in Molecular Parasitology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Organized a workshop with Prof. Subhasis Ghosh, on “Applications of Mass Spectrometry for Proteomics” supported by DST, from 6th -8th Aug. 2014, AIRF, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Organized a workshop with Prof. Alok Bhattacharya, a conference on “Recent Trends in Molecular Parasitology” at Jawaharlal Nehru University from March 27-29, 2014 supported by DBT-Program Support in Molecular Parasitology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Organized a lecture series course on a Global Infectious diseases training program (GIDRTIP) course/workshop supported by Fogarty Centre (USA) and the Centre for Excellence (COE-DBT). The course/workshop was on "Drug design for Infectious Diseases". The course was held at SLS, JNU from the 14th-18th Jan. 2013. The course was conducted by Drs. Wim Whole (Seattle) and Paul Michaelis (Belgium)
  • Organized a workshop with Marilyn Parsons (SBRI) on “Advanced Technologies and Research Proposal Development Workshop” from 30 Jan-5th Feb. 2011, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. 2011
  • Organized Indo-Swiss Joint symposium 3-4th Nov. 2011 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
  • Global Infectious Diseases training grant workshop supported by the National Institute of Health, the USA in Hyderabad from 21-24th Jan. 2008
  • Organized a workshop with Peter Myler (SBRI) on “Bioinformatics of Intracellular Pathogens” from 7-9th Feb. 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. 2008
  • Organized a workshop with Dr. Ken Stuart (SBRI) and Marilyn Parsons on “Intracellular Pathogens” from 1-7th Feb. in Goa, India. Global Infectious Diseases training grant workshop supported by the National Institute of Health, USA 2008
  • Organized INDO-Swedish meet on “Intracellular Pathogen” in Goa from 7th-10th Dec., 2005, in India supported by Swedish International Development Agency
  • International training and Research in Infectious disease grant funded by Fogarty International Centre of the National Institute of Health, U.S.A. The project was a joint training grant with Dr. Ken Stuart of Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, Seattle. There were three elements to this programme. The first was holding training course at several regional training centres of which JNU was one. The second element was training Ph.D students and post-doctoral fellows in Seattle within the existing program. The third was organizing International training and workshops. Two major events (conferences and workshops) were organized by her in New Delhi in Dec.1999 and March 2005.
  • Organized a workshop with Marilyn Parsons (SBRI) on “Advance Technologies and Research Proposal Development Workshop” from 30 Jan-5th Feb. 2011, at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. 2011
  • Organized a workshop with Dr. Ken Stuart (SBRI) and Marilyn Parsons on “Intracellular Pathogens” from 1-7th Feb. in Goa, India. Global Infectious Diseases training grant workshop supported by the National Institute of Health, USA 2008
  • Organized a workshop with Peter Myler (SBRI) on “Bioinformatics of Intracellular Pathogens” from 7-9th Feb. 2009 at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India. 2008
  • Global Infectious Diseases training grant workshop supported by the National Institute of Health, USA in Hyderabad from 21-24th Jan. 2008
  • Organized Indo-Swiss Joint symposium 3-4th Nov. 2011 at at Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
  • Organized a workshop with Prof. Subhasis Ghosh, On "Applications of Mass Spectrometery for Proteomics" supported by DST, from 6th -8th Aug. 2014, AIRF, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Organized a workshop with Prof. Alok Bhattacharya, a conference on "Recent Trends in Molecular Parasitology" at Jawaharlal Nehru University from March 27-29, 2014  supported by DBT-Program Support in Molecular Parasitology, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
  • Organized a lecture series course on a Global Infectious diseases training program (GID×RTIP) course/workshop supported by Fogarty Centre (USA) and the Centre for Excellence (COE-DBT). The course/workshop was on "Drug design for Infectious Diseases". The course was held at SLS, JNU from the 14th-18th Jan. 2013. The course was conducted by Drs. Wimhole (Seattle) and Paul Michaelis (Belgium)